A Poem From a Filipina Veteran


I am queer
I am a womxn 
I am an immigrant
I am Filipina
I am a Veteran of the United States Air Force
I have a sister, and brother that served in the Navy
I have another brother in the Army
I am, we are that person you say
“Go back to where you came from”
because we are not American… White
What is American?
“I am, we are stealing your job?”
When only less than one percent is willing to raise their hand, and take the oath

Your version of taking the oath is to
Kill us, Dehumanize us, Erase us

I will resist
I am overcoming that stat of 22 a day
If you don’t know what that is, maybe you should google it
I served to make Americans voices heard
I served to protect Americans rights

So, How about instead of
“Thank you for your service”
Don’t kill us
Don’t dehumanize us
Don’t erase us

How about instead of
“Thank you for your service”
See me, us as a person
Give me, us our humanity
Treat me, us as human beings
Treat me, us with dignity

Only then you can give meaning to that phrase
“Land of the free and home of the brave”
Because the people in power operate through fear
Feeds the people with fear
Fear that threatens some lives
Fear that controls and manipulates others live

To my fellow Veterans
What does it mean when we go to other countries and fight for their democracy?
When we let democracy die in our own country.
We go to war because we see ourselves as saviors.
How about at home, there are too many killers and oppressors?

People like me die from violence
People like me suffer oppression
People like me live in a lifetime of discrimination

So, How about instead of
“Thank you for your service”
Don’t kill us
Don’t dehumanize us
Don’t erase us

How about instead of
“Thank you for your service”
See me, us as a person
Give me, us our humanity
Treat me, us as human beings
Treat me, us with dignity

Yours Truly, 

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